Sunday, July 27, 2014

Acrobatic shows in Beijing

Acrobatic shows in Beijing are definitely worth seeing. There are many world class acrobatic troupes. The amazing feats showcase strength, skill, and dexterity that literally boggle the mind. Some of the more popular acts include: a lion dance, where two acrobats work together doing stunts in a lion costume; Chinese yoyo tricks, gravity-defying body contortions, juggling, unicycling, chair-stacking, and more.

Acrobatic show is one entertainment that must not be missed by the young and old on a visit to Beijing. China has many world class acrobatic troupes because practically every province and major city will have its own acrobatic troupe, and children are selected to be trained as performers from a young age. In Beijing one can see breath-holding acrobatics, some of which can be so demanding in the timing and balancing skill as to verge on the impossible.

Chinese acrobatics is said to have started during the Warring States Period (475-221 BC) two thousand years old, though some claim it is four thousand years old on the basis of the mythical Yellow Emperor, Huangdi, having started a martial form of acrobatics at a victory celebration in Wuqiao some 300 km south of Beijing. Since 1987, Wuqiao has held the Wuqiao International Acrobatics Festival which is an event for the international acrobatic fraternity. In the Tang Dynasty (618-907), acrobatics received royal patronage with shows performed for the imperial court as depicted by a Dunghuang Grotto mural. By the Song Dynasty (960-1279) acrobatics become upstaged by opera as an entertainment for the literati and the ruling class. As it descended to be an entertainment for the ordinary folks, it was continually sustained and nurture by the commoners into the fascinating Chinese acrobatics of today.

Success of acrobatics depends also on good stage arts like stage images, music, choreography and costumes backed up by props and lighting. The frequent local competitions in China for acrobatic excellence have made China a nation unique in an oriental form of acrobatics that is second to none in the world. Tickets can be obtained in Beijing at the Chaoyang Juchang and the Tiandi Juchang.

We recommend that you to sit in the lower seating area so that you will have the best vantage point. The show is usually performed at night and lasts about one and a half hours. After it is over, you will be allowed to go onto the stage and take photos with the performers.

For more information, please visit

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